A World upside down

on 24th July 2024 by Min. Carlos M. Rodriguez

This blog is about the World we live in now...

A World upside down

Follow not that which is evil, but that which is good . . . —3 John 11 We must get this fact firmly fixed in our minds: we live in an upside-down world. “, fight when they should be peaceful, wound when they should heal, steal when they should share, do wrong when they should do right. I once saw a toy clown with a weight in its head. No matter what position you put it in, it invariably assumed an upside-down position. Put it on its feet or on its side, and when you let go it flipped back on its head. Unregenerate people are just like that! Do what you may with them and they always revert to an upside-down position. That is why the disciples to the world were misfits. To an upside-down person, a right-side up person seems upside down. To a sinner, a righteous person is an oddity and an abnormality. A Christian’s goodness is a rebuke to the wicked; his being right-side up is a reflection upon the worldling’s inverted position. Christians are called to be a light in the darkness.

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I've created this blog page to share scripture that I have read and studied in hopes to reach many who are in need of a word. I am more than certain the Lord will minister to all who read these blogs, all the glory is HIS!!!